
How to Easily Claim Your Active Developer Badge on Discord (2024 Guide)

To claim the Active Developer Badge on Discord, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Discord Server

  1. Open Discord: Launch the Discord desktop app.
  2. Create Server: Select “Add a Server” > “Create My Own” > Name your server > Create.
  3. Set Up Community: Go to server settings, enable community features by selecting “Community” > “Get Started” > “Next” > “Next” > “Agree” > “Finish Setup”.

Step 2: Create a New Application and Add a Bot

  1. Access Developer Portal: Visit Discord Developer Portal.
  2. New Application: Click “New Application”, name it, and select “Create”.
  3. Add Bot: Go to the “Bot” tab and click “Add Bot” to create your bot.

Step 3: Configure Bot Settings

1. Enable Intents: Scroll down to enable all 3 privileged gateway intents and save changes.

    2. Reset Token: Scroll up, reset the token, and copy it for later use.

      Step 4: Host Your Bot with BotGhost

      1. BotGhost Setup: Go to BotGhost, create an account, and link your bot by pasting the copied token.
      2. Activate Command: Enable the “Active Developer Badge” module and save changes, if there isn’t, it’s not necessary.

      Step 5: Invite the Bot and Run a Command

      1. Invite Bot: From the BotGhost dashboard, invite the bot to your Discord server.
      2. Run Command: In your server’s text channel, use the /ping command.

      Step 6: Claim Your Badge

      1. Wait for Confirmation: After 24 hours, visit the Active Developer Badge page.
      2. Select Bot and Server: Choose your bot, select a community server, and set up an announcement channel.
      3. Claim Badge: Click “Claim” to get your Active Developer Badge.


      To retain the badge, you need to run the /ping or other commands at least once every 30 days.